Friday, September 16, 2016


hello all, its been such a long time!
life's been a little crazy with volleyball mid season and homecoming approaching. i get the opportunity to do my both of my cousin's hair and their dresses are just divine!  my two favorite holidays are coming up quite soon, my birthday the 29 and halloween. my family & i love creating our own costumes, our best costume so far has been poison ivy with a red wavy wig. i love that costume so much! whats your guy's favorite holiday? my favorite foods for fall (since its approaching so very fast) are: the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, anything apple cinnamon, and pumpkin seeds. i love big sweaters, hiking boots (and actually hiking!) pumpkins, photo shoots, and fuzzy socks! everything about fall just makes me smile, even the rainy days!   

Sunday, July 10, 2016

view from our catamaran boat
what's up?
   i just came home from north carolina, it was absoultly gorgeous! my family loves the beach a lot, so that's where we were most of the time,but we did get out to go do things. we went on a catamaran ride to see dolphins in there huge sound they had. we didn't see any but we saw these majestic wild horses on an abandon island. they had people settle on it in the late 1800s and early 1900s but the hurricane season was crazy there, as a result many left to live elsewhere. after our ride we explored the small town of beaufort, i hands down loved it! the quaint little shops are so cute! we went olive oil taste testing, if you guys ever are in the area go to do the taste testing!
  we went to the north carolina aquarium, which was also a great place to go if you want to know what's lurking in the waters there. as soon as we got there to the touch tank i immediately ran up to the stingray tank. i think stingrays are one of my favorite animals as long as there in an aquarium. (fun fact i have seen a huge stingray in the wild, i just shuffled my feet and it went away but it was still super cool!)

Monday, June 27, 2016

music and more!

  hello, i'm having a fantastic summer! we currently have gone to Peace,Love,and Little Doughnuts, it's a bit pricey but it's very groovy inside. i tried the milky way and cookies n' creme, oh my goodness they were so yummy! i highly recommend it if your looking for a sweet treat in if your in ohio.

 i've found a craving for bea miller and demi lovato's music lately. i like there type of genre is alot of rock-spunk-pop theme going with it. demi always been one of my personal favorites but lately she's definitely in the top ten. bea's been a person that i look up to a ton. she's very careful on what she says and does to make sure no one's offended, she's happy for who she is as a person, and bea's comfortable in her own skin. i think that's very important when it comes to writing songs, to make them have actual meaning.                              

  i've spent a ton of time with my family which is so so so important. never ever give on family when they need you the most, one last thing laugh. just laugh when things get tough.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


 happy father's day everyone! tell your dad you love him, even if your halfway around the world or haven't talked to him in awhile. shoot him a text or a phone call. make your dad's father's day something special

Thursday, June 16, 2016

i just spent my afternoon and evening with a 2 year old! oh my goodness he's like a little lightning bolt. but he was fun to watch while my aunt went shopping.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

hey y'all! welcome to my lowercase blog! i don't like writing with uppercase letters for some reason. please enjoy my posts and pictures.